
She stands up. She looks down at her paper then back up to look at me, "hey, luna" she says walking over to me.

"Yeah, what's up"

"well, I was wondering what question five was?"

Of course! Why else would she talk to me?

"mmmm well..."

"Are you done with the homework?"

"yeah, I just finished it."

"ok, then let me see it" she grabs my paper from off the table.

Get your flithy hand off my paper! These people have no respect!

I sit there in silence as she goes through the questions, erasing her answers and writing mine down.

What's wrong with people! God! I want to get out of this class!

"five more minutes class!" The teacher says.

Yay! Five more minutes until I get out of this hell!

"ok, here you go." She says sliding my paper to me.

Not even a thank you! Rude!!

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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