
Everyone was someone but what if you have no one. Well let me tell you, five minutes will feel like an hour, as you sit there with your thoughts. Everyone is talking to their friends but you don't got any so you just have to talk to yourself. And then finally right when you get to leave that class thinking the next class will be better but it's not. You do the same thing again and again and again. No break. Every day of the week! Monday to Friday. Even when Friday finally comes around, everyone is as happy as they can be. "TGIF," they say. But your still sad because Your still alone. Home is where the heart is, But what if your heart is filled with pain. You wonder where is came from but no matter how long you look, you still don't understand why your hurting or what caused it. You wonder if your still alive.

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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