
I stand up and push in my chair. Other students push through me to get to the boor. 

"Calm down, you still have 1 minute!" The teacher says.  

No one listens. Not to my surprise. Kids these days don't have any respect for anyone.  

"Hey, luna, come here really quick," she says to me. 

My heart starts racing.  

Did I do something wrong on the assignment last class? Maybe I said something wrong. Or maybe I didn't say enough. Did I look sad today? I need to start smiling more!  

"Yes?" I say walking up to her. 

"Hi, so I was wondering..."  

Here it goes. She's going to yell at me. 

"Could you help me take these papers to Mr. K? You have his class next, right?"  

Oh, thank God!! 

"Yeah, I can" 

"Ok, thank you so very much! You know you are my favorite student, right?!" She smiles. 

I smile at her comment then wave bye before leaving.  

Yay. I'm her favorite. Like she hasn't told every student that.  

Mr. K, my last class for the day, it ends pretty quickly.  

"Ok, class have a great evening! Get plenty of sleep! And do your homework, please!!" Mr. K says which again no one listens.  

I walk down the hall and outside. The hot air hits me like a slap in the face.  

God damn it! Why the hell is it so hot?! 

I look around. People talk to their friends. Some people are waiting for their ride home. Some people are getting on the buses. I walk over to the flag. I look up. The flag flaps in the hot wind.  

They shouldn't make us go to school in this weather. This is crazy. It's way too hot for this!  

"Hey," someone says taping my shoulder.

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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