
June 12, 2019 

It was getting dark. The sun was setting, and some stares shined above us. I sat in the passenger seat as my father drove his blue jeep down the long road.  

“The stares are so beautiful!” I say looking up at the night sky.  

“They are very beautiful” my father responds.  

“I wonder what it would be like to be the sky.” my 8-year-old self said with no thought.  

“Well, the sky is incredibly beautiful, yes but it is not just beautiful. The sky is always busy. It watches you and many other young children like you. It helps guide you and teach you lessons that your parents cannot. So, do you think you can take on the sky's responsibilities?”  

“Yes! Wait... What kind of lesson does the sky teach?” I say curiously. 

“Oh, very many, like how to appreciate and observe things around you. It also teaches you that nothing lasts forever.”  

“I do not want things to change! I want to stay with you forever!” I say lowering my head 

“Me too! But change is good. The more things change the more you grow. Change will teach you all kinds of things that will help you later in life and make you stronger.” he says smiling. 

“When I am older, I am going to be so stronger! We can be stronger together, Daddy!” I say raising back up my head exited. 

“Yes we can” he responds 

A few minutes later. We arrived at our destination, a red house with a black van and a yellow corvette parked in the driveway.  

Whose yellow car is that? Why would you pick yellow for a car anyways?  

“Ok, bye sweetheart! I love you so much!” father says kissing me on the forehead. 

“I love you too!” I smile as I open the car door and step out. “Bye, Dad! be careful driving home!” 

“I will! Bye” he says 

I close the door and watch as he drives away. Then I let out a long sigh before walking to the house. 

I open the door; the smell of cigars feels my nose. My mom and someone guy are sitting in the living room. We make eye contact.  

“Hi, mom. I will just go to my room if you do not need me.” I say quietly but loud enough so she will hear. 

“Hi, baby! You can go to your room. I do not need you right now.” she says giving me a fake smile. 

“Ok.” I responded before heading to my room. 

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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