
Wake up at 5, get ready for work and be out the door by 6. Stop by my favorite store to get a snack and be at work by 6:55. Wait for the manager to unlock the doors and mentally prepare for the day ahead. 

That is my life every day, a boring life, yes but it works. I would have never guessed that I would be where I am today.  

As a child, I dreamed of two things. One, working at an animal shelter so I could help the lost and lonely animals that come. Two, I wanted to find a best friend that I could do everything with and talk to when I feel sad. Sadly, the younger me was a fool. I did not know that most of the time I am not even working with animals but dealing with people who have no respect for these animals. I also did not realize that a dream is just a dream.  

Now I am in India with my mother and step farther. I never thought for a second, I would be here. It is not like I wanted to travel the world. I am not rich. How did I get here? Well, it all happened so fast. 

It was a snowy day in America when my mom called me. I was at work taking care of a so-called Karen. She was yelling at me saying we were abusing the animals here. It was a very crazy evening that day, indeed. My mom had to yell at me through the phone so I could hear over the Karen, “We got free tickets to India with a full paid trip. We have one extra spot if you want to come.”  

I was incredibly grateful she chose me considering she never really liked me much. Honestly, I was prepared for her to say it was all a joke, but it was not. I was really going to India. 

Monday August 14, I arrived at our hotel. I looked up to see our temporary home. It was about four floors high and painted an awful shade of brown. I look over at mom, sweat is pouring down her face. I rush over to offer some assistance, “Mama, do you need help?” I ask to make sure she is ok. “she’s fine, Nikey,” Eric yells at me like I am not right beside him. “I can hear you fine. There is no need to yell.” I replied in an aggressive tone. “Sweetie, I am fine. Let us go inside.” Mother says pushing through me and Eric. I turn to look at him, he is giving me a side eye then walks ahead to catch up with mom. Leaving me to get the bags. I thank the taxi driver and get the bags then follow them into the hotel where mom sits by the air conditioning and Eric is trying to talk to the workers. “Hey, mom,” I say dropping the bags, “do you still have the key?” I say praying she does. “I think so.” she responses as she searches her pockets, “here it is” she says pulling out a small gold key. I take it to the workers, and they automatically know what we want. “where's are room?” Eric yells one last time like they would magically know English now. One of the workers nods and waves at us to follow her. I look back at mom as if to say “you coming” but Eric is already helping her to her feet. I look back at the worker to tell her we are ready, then she starts walking down the hall and up a set of stairs and down another hall. When she stops, she turns to look at me a gives a quick smile. I do the same to say thank you and to apologize for my father's behavior. After I do, she walks away. Leaving me there hoping she doesn’t hate me because of Eric. I look at the wood door beside me with the number 23 nailed onto it. I take out a pen and write 23 on my arm just in case. I put the pen away and took out the key, it is so small I could easily drop it. I unlock the door as mom and Eric are walking down the hall towards me. I open the door and the fresh cold air hits my face. In the room I see two beds, a tv, a chair in the conner, two empty closets, and one bathroom. The room is quite big compared to other hotels I have stayed in. “so this is our room. It's gorgeous!” mom says walking in and flopping on the bed. “This bed is so comfortable! I could just fall asleep right now!” she says smiling ear to ear. Watching her makes me smile too. I haven't seen her smile like that in years. It's crazy how time can past by so quickly. 

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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