India: Part 2

The first few days in India were a complete blur for Nikey. The jet lag had hit her hard, and she spent most of her time in the hotel room sleeping or watching TV. Her parents had been out exploring the city, but Nikey didn't have the energy to join them. She felt guilty for wasting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but she couldn't help it.

On the fourth day, Nikey woke up feeling much better. She decided it was time to see what India had to offer. She got dressed, grabbed her camera, and headed out of the hotel room. Her parents were still sleeping, so she left them a note saying she'd be back in a few hours.

As she walked down the street, Nikey couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The sights, sounds, and smells of India were so different from what she was used to. She felt like she was in a completely different world. She took pictures of everything she saw, hoping to capture the essence of India in her photographs.

Nikey wandered through the streets, taking in the vibrant colors of the markets, the beautiful architecture of the buildings, and the friendly smiles of the locals. She felt a sense of freedom she had never experienced before. For the first time in her life, she was completely on her own, and it felt liberating.

As she walked, she stumbled upon a small animal shelter. Nikey's heart skipped a beat as she approached the gate. She peered through the bars and saw a group of dogs playing in the yard. She couldn't resist and opened the gate to pet them. They reminded her of home.

The dogs were all over her, licking her face and wagging their tails. Nikey felt a sense of joy she hadn't felt in a long time. She wanted to help these animals find homes and give them the love they deserved just like how she did at home.

Nikey spent the rest of the day at the shelter, playing with the dogs and talking to the staff. She learned that they were short-staffed and could use some volunteers. Nikey didn't hesitate and signed up on the spot.

As she walked back to the hotel, Nikey knew that her life had changed. She couldn't wait to tell her parents about her experience and her new plan.

When she got back to the hotel room, her parents were awake and waiting for her. They could see the excitement in her eyes and knew that something had changed.

"Mom, I found something I want to do while we are here," Nikey said, beaming.

"What is it?" her mom asked.

"I want to volunteer at the animal shelter I found today. They need help, and I want to be a part of it," Nikey replied.

Her parents exchanged a look, and then her mother said. "If that's what you want to do, I support you one hundred percent." her stepdad didn't say a word and continued to stare.

Nikey felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that her mother didn't always understand her, but she was always there for her. She hugged her, feeling grateful for her love and support.

As she drifted off to sleep that night, Nikey knew that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't even imagine. She was excited for the future and ready to take on whatever came her way.

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I am a young adult just walking through life and sharing my stories.

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